Everything in this world is interconnected, but my event organizing experiences might be in stronger relation to my other activities, than rain and butterflies. I have never planned to become good at event organizing, or even having an interest for it, but after years of work, I am positive to say this is where I shine the most.
Freshmen Camp
The ELTE FI Freshmen Camp (ELTE IK GT) is unlike anything you hear of when talking about university camps. It is not a festival, and the goal is not to get wasted at 10am. It's an exciting and immersive experience designed to welcome new students as they begin their journey here. They will need to use their problem solving skills, creativity, and most importantly, their team to compete in fun programs that were put together so that every camper will gain something from it. From crafting their own team flags and anthems to participating in stock market simulations and nighttime adventures, the freshmen are constantly engaged in different activities that build on the ever changing dynamic of the teams during the time of the camp. Additionally, the camp promotes personal growth, leadership development, and the cultivation of lifelong friendships. By the end of the camp, the freshmen not only gain valuable knowledge and skills but also form a strong bond with others, laying a solid foundation for their journey at ELTE.
Team senior: I started my work as a team senior in 2017 and 2018. For every team of 40 freshmen, 3 seniors and a chief senior is assigned. You become their parents for the time being, and usually you will be their mentor for the entire semester. You have to always look out for them, assess their dynamics, involve those who want to be involved but don't know how they can do it. But all this is nothing compared to the 6 months of preparation before the camp: planning your team's theme, creating assets, decorations, costumes etc.
Team chief senior: In 2019 I had my own team. Building a strong bond between your 3 seniors is crucial to have a successful camp. You have to get them involved, make them know each other, coordinate preparations and make sure everything is ready for your team to arrive.
Senior coordinator: In 2020, 2021, and 2022 I had the most fun (and most stress) I have ever had as a Freshmen Camp organizer. The seniors were not really prepared for the camp before - there was maybe one session where we talked about some informations, but otherwise the chief seniors were the ones responsible for the seniors, and there wasn't really communication between the teams. I wanted to change this, so I started working on a new approcah. I created senior weekends, training sessions, teambuildings; got the chief seniors to form a strong, united group. I have gained so much personal training experience, that the Faculty later asked me to train the recruiting personell fro the coming years.
Program coordinator: As from a coordinator you cannot really move upwards, I have decided to move sideways, and became program coordinator in 2023 for a very specific reason. For 10 years the camp has been at the same location with the same programs on the same days of the year. This year it all changed when it was moved to a different place and different time. I thought 2022 will be my last year as an organizer, but I was the only one with the experience to pull this off, and I wanted to take the challenege. So in 2023 I carefully selected my program leaders, and we started to rework the entire camp from ground zero. It was amazing, and one of the best decisions in my life. The preparations had their challenges, I have anticipated that, and at points I didn't know why I wanted it... but in the end the events went amazingly, and the most importnat is: the campers enjoyed it to the fullest!
Other camps
I have been chief organizer of several other events in the past years. most of which have been different camps. Incomplete list, containing only my favourite ones:
Ski Camp: I have established the Fcaulty Ski Camp (ELTE CsúszIK), and we have had several successful years in the French Alps already. Organizing a trip to a foreign country has its own unique challenges, but the experience of a camp like this is something no participant will soon forget.
Involvement Camp: Those who want to get involved in the Faculty's public life as representatives or event organizers need a place to figure out what they really want to be. This camp provides ground for them to listen to presentations and participate in interactive workshops, so that they find the best field for them.
Forming Camp: When the Students' Union forms after an election (each year in may-april), heaps of new representatives want to start working immediately, but they don't know how, with whom, and where to start. This camp gives them insight into the most important parts of the work they will be doing, building on the experiences they gained from the involvement camp, but also bringing new knowledge. Trainings and team building all focus on the new representatives becoming self aware about their qualities, and helping them to start on the road. This camp also gives an opportunity to experienced officers to look for successor candidates.
SU Day: The Students' Union Day was an idea I first had when becoming VP. The problem was that new representatives didn't know the older ones, and they weren't really motivated to seek out their accumulated experience. So, to combat this, the yearly SU Day aims to call back old represantitves for a weekend to get to know the younger generation. This helped destroy the walls between older a newer representatives, especially after the covid pandemic, when an entire generation was lost.