Spark plan

🟒 High standard of work

🟒 Operative tasks

🟒 Unlimited learning material and training consumption

🟑 Standups / month: 4

πŸ”΄ No future proofing

πŸ”΄ Might get evicted or starve

πŸ”΄ Customer support during office hours

From 42,000 EUR / Annum

3,500 EUR / Month
abt 22 EUR / Hour

Blaze plan

🟒 High standard of work

🟒 Operative tasks

🟒 Unlimited learning material and training consumption

🟑 Standups / month: 8

🟑 Limited future proofing

🟑 Might miss his friends

πŸ”΄ Customer support during office hours

From 78,000 EUR / Annum

6,500 EUR / Month
abt 40 EUR / Hour

Lightning plan

🟒 High standard of work

🟒 Coordinating  tasks

🟒 Unlimited learning material and training consumption

🟒 Standups / month: unlimited

🟒 Future proof

🟑 Might miss his home

🟑 Customer support in high priority cases from home

From 120,000 EUR / Annum

10,000 EUR / Month
abt 65 EUR / Hour

Thunder plan

🟒 High standard of work

🟒 Any task

🟒 Unlimited learning material and training consumption

🟒 Standups / month: unlimited

🟒 Future proof

🟒 Will be happy

🟒 Personalized customer support availability

Contact us!

Pricing is based on Hungarian cost of living and must be adjusted in case of relocation. Pricing does not include benefits and bonuses. Consult your Thor contact for more details.