
In January of 2018 my life has forever changed when I saw the Alps for the first time. I had no idea how huge a mountain can be, and how fun it is to slide down on a pair of skis. Although I have had 2 near death experiences since then on the track, I would never stop skiing, and I hope to spend more and more time on the snow in the future. I have experienced the hospitality of French people, I have seen an Auchan so big I thought I'll be lost forever, I have traveled in an ambulance at 100km/h on the hillside... and I will never forget any of them (unlike my friend, who has no memory of the ambulance ride to Nice).

I fell in love with wall climbing (or rather bouldering) quite quickly, although I have only started in 2023. It has helped me mitigate stress, and I have become much more conscious of my health. I became more aware of what my body is capable of, and I could feel like a child again, when we would climb on trees with my friends during recess. Sadly since then due to my work I have no energy and will to go bouldering, but I'm working on getting it back into my life - it's just a bit complicated yet.


When I started university, I became obsessed with watching movies for their art (not forgetting that their main purpose is fun, of course). To this day, every time I watch a new movie in cinema, I try to form my thoughts after it in a written form, regarding cinematography, story-structure, characters, sound and music, visual quality. Of course I gave fantasies of writing my own story, but I know my limits. This doesn't mean I am not writing it, only that I'd rather not have it as a burden, but as something fun I do in my free time.

I love to create anything with adobe products, be it static or animated. If it looks cool, that's enough for me. I also love to make aftermovies of our friend group's events, because they make a nice collection after some year.


I love traveling, mainly by train. I think they are the best form of travel for any distance. I advocate against cars in most situations in context of cities. I believe in walkable districts, human centered planning, green residential areas.

I love Paradox Interactive's titles: from Crusader Kings to Stellaris, every kind of map painting is dear to my heart. Strangely, I have a love-hate relationship with Cities: Skylines, as it mainly promotes the American style city building with car dependency and suburbs, with little support for walkabality.